Crystal Peaks art show raises £10,000 for Children's Hospital charity

A summer of great art at Crystal Peaks shopping centre has raised £10,000 for the Children’s Hospital Charity.
The Art For All exhibition featured specially commissioned works by more than 60 celebrities and creatives all based on the theme of Bright Young Dreams.
Among the names who contributed to the display were Olympic legend Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill, South Yorkshire comedy favourite Paul Chuckle, Eight Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown panelist Jon Richardson and BBC radio and TV presenters Paulette Edwards and Tom Ingall, alongside many other influential artists and designers, who all give their creative ideas for free.
Their works were on display as part of the free summer art exhibition in the central atrium at Crystal Peaks, with all the canvasses for sale via an online raffle, costing just £2 to enter.
And by the time the exhibition came to an end, bids had raised a fantastic £10,000 for Bright Young Dreams, an awareness campaign and fundraising project that was launched by the Children’s Hospital Charity last year, focusing on children’s mental health.
“We have been overwhelmed by people’s interest in the exhibition and the many bids that were placed on our works of art,” said event organiser Clare Burnett.
“Crystal Peaks is a massively enthusiastic supporter of the Children’s Hospital Charity and this debut exhibition was the perfect way to raise awareness of an important part of the charity’s work.”
For a list of the successful bidders, please click here.